Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Yard Work

Finally got to some of the yard work we've been meaning to do over the past 2 years.  David laid sod in a large bare spot and I planted some flowers and a few plants.  Everything looks lots better, the new mulch helped a lot :) 

This rose allways looks good this time of year, and smells even better.

nothing new in this one just moved some plants around.

loved these petunias, I also put some dark purple oxalis, but it's fallen over due to the transplantation.

also a spot that allways looks good this time of year.

added a little curb appeal out front

this is part of the fence David built a while back, I put some plants in front of it.


some pots on the patio

and one of Greyson on his bike! (out front)

and the best part, we now have grass instead of dirt, still needs to green up alittle but it's getting watered (as you can see) so it should look good in a few weeks.  You can also see the backside of the fence, ignore the gate (that's still the old one) we're in discussions on what the gate should look like.  And I haven't come up with an idea on how to finish the posts that I like yet.

not staged for the picture but you can see the general idea better in an overview.

~Greyson's Mom

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