Monday, April 11, 2011

Potty Trained!?!

Good news to report, after last weekend Greyson really took off in the potty training department, he's now been diaper free for 10 days and only averages a minor accident every other day or so. He doesn't even need to be reminded to go. He just runs in and uses the potty all by himself. David even started to teach him he can stand up and pee "into" (aka "all over") the toilet.

I know we shouldn't "complain" about him using the potty so I almost hate to write this next part but... we're not so happy to report that he has also started waking up 2 to 3 times a night every night to use the potty as well. This is an issue because he was instructed from the moment we replaced his crib with a big boy bed to never get out of it, which he has been very good at following. So he just sits up there and screams, "Mom, Dad, Potty!! sometime between 12-2AM and 4 -5AM. I guess we need to tell him it's ok to get out of bed and do this himself now.

He's also getting really good on his little bike, when we were at the park he started walking it up the hills and riding it down them. David was all smiles and super proud of him. He would crash and get right back up and want to try again. Here's some footage of it, grandparents beware this is just the beginning, this kid's a dare devil.  
~Greyson's Mom


  1. Congratulations on the potty training!!! Big news. I hope you all get to sleep a bit more soon! ;)

  2. Oh, and I sent you an email but haven't heard from you! Perhaps it went into the junk mail? My address is staceyr66 at hot mail dot com. :)
