Monday, August 11, 2014

Summer Camp was a Success

Greyson enjoyed his first summer camp at this school.  Some of Greyson's favorite- various science experiments (think along the lines of baking soda volcano) and making sock puppets to then preform a play for the younger kids.  He also really enjoyed his swim lessons which he had every day all summer and as you can imagine has learned to swim. Yea!!! The kids also had free swim two more times during the day.  He usually hopped in the car clean, refreshed and really tired.  Most days he would be full on in the middle of telling me about his day and then just start snoring.  Here is a movie of him swimming.

and some pictures of him playing with his dog after school.  He lines up these cones and she has to guess which one has her toy ball under it.  Very funny to watch and they both really like playing it.

Here are some shots of the lego crazy-ness that has taken over the house.  Ok I shouldn't say crazy-ness he is really quite neat in fact the lego men all get lined up by color of outfit. 


Gramp's Antique table doesn't know what to do with this much attention. 

  School starts again on Monday.  I'll be out of town but I'll post his first day picture when I return.

~Greyson's Mom

Friday, July 18, 2014

Ten Greyson Facts:

1. Loves carrots, lettuce, spinach, peas, broccoli, green beans and cake.

2. Loves and is really good at card game, checkers and puzzles. (he beats me at checkers almost

every time we play).

3. Has rarely ever spoken a full sentence to an adult he didn't know.

4. Tells me what the speed limit is EVERY time we pass a sign and then tells me how fast I am going. Also tells me when he sees a police car, he's like a little back seat radar detector.

5. He doesn't like macaroni and cheese, pizza or chocolate chip cookies.

6. He napped until he was almost six.

7. He couldn't write his name until he was five.

8. He can do subtraction in his head.

9. Every teacher he's had has commented within the first few days of school how kind, genuinely concerned and nice he is to all the other classmates.

10. Loves riding his bike, but really loves learning and experimenting with the gears and what they change on his bike.

THIS is a pet rock

Greyson's train set its finally here thanks Mom, Dad and Andy, my poor living room though.

It only took two days to get it to work again.  Not bad considering how old it is.
~Greyson's Mom

Thursday, July 10, 2014

6 Years Old!

Today's the day!  We had pancakes this morning and I guess I've been slacking because when I was telling Greyson last night that we would have pancakes in the morning he said, "Oh who's going to be here that will make them?"    

Today at school they are having watermelon instead of cake (I picked that and brought it, he was semi OK with it, teachers we're thrilled).  We'll stop on the way home and pick up a cake (he wanted to pick out a cake in fact he specifically said, "Mom can I please get a grocery store cake" and then insisted that he pick it out so that is what we will do.   Tonight for dinner before the cake, is his favorite chicken drumsticks and corn on the cob (but he's got a serious loose tooth (3rd one)) so I'll have to make that corn cut off the cob instead.  Then we plan to play games.  He's getting real good at checkers and loves to play the kids version of monopoly and a few other games we have. 

What will he get - well he's obsessed with trains ever since we visited Chip's house on vacation and Chip so graciously and patiently let him "run the train".  It was seriously the highlight of the trip for him.  I'm not sure if I should thank Chip or curse him though because we spent the remainder of the trip cleaning Andy's old train set and packing it for my parents to ship to us.  But seriously thank you Chip for a really awesome time.  And thank you to Uncle Andy for offering the train set to us for the time being.  So once we receive it that will certainly be his favorite gift of all time.  He asks about it constantly, he even says he dreams about it.  Often he is heard mumbling (almost singing) to himself, "just thinking about my train set." over and over.

We also plan to build a large sand box and have a load of sand delivered.  He and other neighborhood kids will really enjoy that.     

Here are a few pictures from last weekend's vacation.

Best buddies! My cousin Mackenzie out did us all and had seriously the cutest kid EVER! Micheal is 2 and a few months.  He's even cuter in person! 

these two hold their own though

watching the parade

love this picture, he just saw the big horses coming down the road, he loves them.

"I just ate a S'more can you tell?"

best view in town

sparklers before dark for the kids

so stink'en cute! even if he was contagious LOL

long day

Real family band

kid can sing!

It was so good to see everyone, these kids grow so fast!  Great to catch back up with family, see the kids play together and relax a bit.  Oh and last but not least dig threw every inch of the barn attics.   More pictures in the next post to come of the fun stuff I found. 

~Greyon's Mom

Monday, June 23, 2014

Fun Weekend, and pictures from Graduation

Greyson is full on in the middle of summer camp and he really is enjoying it very much.  He has swim lessons at school each day, he is certain to be a swimmer by the end of the summer.  Each week in summer camp they do a new theme, this week is science experiments - lots of exploding volcanoes and the like.   They also get two other times to swim in the pool each day and are learning plenty of new games, he came home and told me about this new game the teachers made up called "7 up" I had to keep a straight face as he explained it not letting on that I had ever heard of it before. 

So back to my post title... Friday he swam three times at school, we came home and friends showed up to play then they invited us down to swim (oh why not what's one more time going to hurt :)).  They had 7 kids in the pool for 3 hours and the 7 or 8 grown ups hanging around the pool watching and chatting till the sun set into the lake.  They have a great lake lot and back yard pool and patio.  It was just heaven.

Then Saturday we went to a birthday party at the bowling alley.  Greyson loves to bowl which is something I do not like to do.  His old school took him 3 times a year, and every time we go by the bowling alley he says,  "Mom you should take me bowling sometime"  I usually respond with, "ask your Dad to, Mom doesn't like to be inside a bowling alley."  Well it's been a while since I bowled and I must say it's not the dark smokey place I remember exactly.  The game scored it's self electoricly (something I don't remember last time I went) and the kids had lot of fun.  Greyson score was about 90 (with gutter guards in) and he was very  proud of it.  Each time he when to throw the ball down the ally he would end up sprawled out on the ground.  All the parents though he was hysterical although he didn't really notice that they noticed he was so focused on his game.  All I can say is he knocked down pins each time with plently of force.  A couple of times they even went flying hitting other pins.  He was so excited to get to bowl and to top it off to bowl with his friends.  After our bowling adventures we quick drove home to have a rushed dinner to go out on the golf cart to a live band in the neigborhood park a little HOA sponsered party.  It was plently of fun but hot and humid.  The neigbors at the end of our street asked us if we wanted to come over and swim at the end of the party and we certainly took them up on that.  Greyson and the other kid had so much fun with the home owner making him swing them around in the pool for at least an hour.  They ALL(home owner included) sleep great that night.  Then Sunday we went to get groceries and donunts, came home and wached it rain all day with the windows open because it toped out about 72degs for the day, finally the sun came out and we road around on the golf cart for a bit and picked plenty of garden tomatoes (the cherry ones are starting to come in by the handful) still waiting on the bigger ones to get any color on them.  Next weekend we have a fun neigborhood party and the town freadom fest parade and event. Then Thursday it's off to NY to visit the family for the three of us for the long weekend.  So looking forward to seeing the entire extended family and seeing fire flies by the thousands (July in NY is my favorite).  Although we did see two the other night in our own front yard, I don't think I've ever seen any in texas so that was real neat.  Other wildlife spottings: a deer in the back yard and some turkeys in the front yard then plently of great birds, still seeing earstern blue birds and painted puntings and tons of hummings birds.  Started seeing the big swallow tail butterflies as well. 

poor dog :(

luck dog :)  She loves to go for a ride on the golf cart
 And here are some graduation pictures from a few weeks ago.

the sun was very bright

but it finally when behind some big clouds.

this is Greyson's teacher Miss Jenny

and this is Miss Ashley (back left of Greyson) her teaching assistant.   

such a cute hat!

Such a great teacher, Geryson was very lucky to have her.  She made his year so special.
     ~Greyson's Mom

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Pictures from the Week

Saturday morning dress.  Boots - yes, Helmet - yes, Pants not needed!  Hope he's always so not interested in what people think that he can wear his underwear bike riding forever (or maybe not) :) 

Here's what an eggplant flower looks like if you didn't know.  Garden is looking fantastic even this pre-hailstorm eggplant has come back beautifully   
Speaking of hailstorms  all the roofs in the neighborhood are being replaced.  Greyson saw a semi pull up and park at the end of our driveway.  Keep in mind we live at the end of a dead end street so that is a huge deal and something we would never see otherwise.  He was so excited I had to move a chair out there so he could sit and watch the guy unload the palate of shingles.  Once he realized he had an audience the driver really put a show on by driving it over to him and lifting up the forks as high as they would go then asked his opinion as to where he should unload the palate. Greyson loved it!    


Full view of the garden.  So excited for the tomatoes to start getting bigger, lots of little baby ones in there.
Here is Greyson's very first written and spelled out all on his own note to Dad.  He was so excited that he could write out something.  "Hot Dad, Done Dog."  I think he's more excited to learn to spell words than he is to read words but all is coming alone as expected.  He will have reading homework all summer to prep for Kindergarten.  They start with spelling tests about two months into school so he needs to hit the ground running.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Statue of Liberty talk and Hermit Crab Racing

Greyson and I were reading a book that had the Statue of Liberty in it.  I told him:

Me: "you know when I was a little girl I went up in an elevator into the statue and walked around her crown and then went up stairs into her arm and all the way up to the flame in her hand. "

then I launched into where she is and where she came from and what she means 10 minutes later when I was done he asked..

GDY: "did you have to be miniaturized first mom?" 

thanks to Wild Kratts my kid thinks the "miniaturizer" is a real thing.

Me: "no I was full size Greyson, it's a really big statue."

GDY: "I wan't to go and see it"

Me: "we can plan a trip..."

Had a real nice Mother's day lunch at the house with Grand Mom, Gerda and Kelly and the kids.  Greyson and the girls played for hours with his toys then they wanted to race the hermit crabs :) here they are posing with them at the start of the race.

 It was first hermit crab off the rug wins the prize.   The prize was goldfish crackers BTW.   Ten minutes later we had to form a search and rescue party to find the winner, he had fled to another room and was hiding behind the door.  they can move fast when they want to... 

Grammie comes to visit in 21 days! Getting excited!

Have a great week everyone,

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Birds and Bouncing

GDY: Mom my shoe is stuck.
Me: Where?
GDY: In a Tree!!!
Greyson and I were at our friends house down the road.  The kids were out jumping on the trampoline and some how his shoe got stuck in the tree ;)

thank you for the HAND MADE sweater Aunt Lynne.  It just perfect!, fits real good as you can see AND was just in time!  We happened to be in the 40's this morning so we can even use it.  Oh and check out our vegetable garden.  I'm so proud of it and can't thank David enough for building it and filling it with dirt.  Greyson's already eating lettuce out of it every day.  I'm quit sure I'll be able to get him to try a tomato this summer. 

And last but not least the birds have been outstanding the last few days here (above) is a real picture of a painted bunting on our feeder!!  below is what it looks like up close in our bird book ( I use this book all the time thank you so much Char).

I have lots more updates that I need to catch up on one of which is our trip to Florida a month ago.  Pictures of it will be posted this weekend.