Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Visit from Dammy and GrampyBob

Greyson's Grandparents (my parents) drove 1650 miles down to visit us for a week.  They brought me some stuff, my favorite being my grandfather's dining room table (it folds up so it just fit in their suv.) We didn't have great weather when they were here but they would say it was wonderful in comparison to NY's.   We all really enjoyed spending time with them.  Here are two of the best pictures from the week.

Making chocolate jumboes with "Dammy" (and a huge mess).

Swinging with Grampy-Bob
  My dad took this old swing seat metal sides and chain and put a new piece of wood on it and painted it for Greyson.  We will eventually  stencil the seat but there were some technical difficulties that we are currently working thru....more picts to come when it's done.  It was originally at a one room school house that my grandfather helped close down.  Dates back to the early 1900's which is cool!....and not so cool! - the chain will need some safety features added like duct tape before he uses it too many more times.  It's been rightfully hung on a pecan tree out at Muddy Acres. 

While they were here Greyson started referring to my dad as Grampy-Bob and it stuck SO HINT HINT HINT- any family reading this please note his new name effective immediately, OK?!

Greyson also got some great Christmas presents.  We let him open one per morning until they were gone.   He just loves the dino train and we haven't even put batteries in it yet.  Also really loved the big rig car hauler AND the monster pj's- kept running around saying "monsters! monsters!"

 Kept loading and unloading the cars --loved it! Thanks,Maya!

 This train was also a big hit.  I didn't even know he liked trains until he started playing with this. He asks for "train ride, train ride" now when he wants to play with it which is all the time! ~Thanks, Aunt Dar
 I have some movies I will download and add tomorrow.  Great visit Dammy and Grampy-Bob.  Thanks for driving down and bringing us all the goodies! 

~Greyson's Mom

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