Monday, November 1, 2010


check out my muscles!! and my cool spider candy bag.

Fireman Andrew, Power Ranger Britain, his Mama (Grammy) Sharon and Greyson the Spiderman


Stripping down and getting ready to go crazy, no time for pictures!!!

We had a party (Halloween BBQ) for some friends and their kids Halloween evening.  It was lots of fun to get everyone together and the other kids helped Greyson really get into the Halloween spirit.  On Saturday night (the night before the party) I put him to bed and I told him that we were going to have a party the next night and that he needed to get some sleep.  He said, "Brit?, other Mommy?, ICE CREAM!?".    Which translate to "is Britain and other Mommy coming, ah screw them is there going to be ice cream!!"  so I think he gets the concept of what a party is and like any normal kid loves them.

I got lots of Black helium balloons and decorated with them, it's a given that all kids love balloons and that balloons make any kids party. note: learn this important party fact early young moms and dads.
What I do need to do a lot more of is take pictures, sorry we have none of the decorated living room trust me though it looked good.

We started the night at about 6pm with 3 boys riding in a train all around the house. First Britain in the battery powered 4 Wheeler then Andrew pushing with his feet on the tricycle then in the back Greyson on his scooter they when all around the inside and outside of the house really had lots of fun. Then dinner. On the menu was pulled pork BBQ and/or chicken breast sandwiches, a green salad -(spinach and strawberry w/ poppy seed dressing), potato salad and a big plate of fruit. Then the kids got on their costumes.  I wasn't sure if Greyson was going to agree to wear his, we hadn't successfully got it on him yet, but Dad took him in the other room and Greyson came out a smiling Spider man moments later.

Why Spider man you ask? Greyson has been obsessed with them for the last few months. From books, to real ones he even has a spider puppet. He loves them all (can’t say the s sound so it sounds like he’s saying bitters) and talks about them nonstop. so I saw the costume at target, showed it to him and explained it. It was love at first sight, he had to have the poster that came with the costume up in his room or he will  ask about it at bed time and he carried the costume around and told everyone about it, and in that month he would never let us put it on him. Peer pressure is a wonderful thing.

We went out trick or treating on our short street to see all our close neighbors and then when over a street to see the houses that won the neighborhood decorating contest (with about 100 houses that were decorated in our neighborhood of 1400 houses it was quite the honor and they were elaborately well done and fun to visit. Then the kids were carried back (wow for a skinny boy he’s really heavy to carry that far) we got them back just as our arms were giving out. Just to paint the picture for you- it was warm maybe 75 last night, Brit(ian) the power ranger and Greyson just had on the spandex costumes with diapers and shoes but they were so hot when we picked them up we both un-did the back of the leotard outfits and stripped them down naked from the waste up they still had their costume shirts and built in muscles dangling. We carried them bear hug style 7 or 8 blocks. Neighbors were laughing and snickering the whole way. Then when we entered the house they regained their energy an both stripped down to just diapers and ran around giggling and play chasing each other. It was too cute!! Then all three boys had a dumdum lolly pop and got really crazy but had fun and no one was hurt. Balloons when home with anyone and everyone at about 8:30, Greyson went to bed (easily). Then dad myself and Patty (our close friend) let all the left over balloons go outside (I know it's littering but it's too much fun not to), sat in the hot tub for an hour and eat all of Greyson’s hard earned candy. Sorry kid but you snooze you lose!!  :)

Here are some not so great pictures of the kids, I hope to get some better ones from Other Mommy she also had her camera flashing. I may also have some good movie footage of them trick or treating but it will need to be edited for sure.

~Greyson's Mom

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