Monday, June 23, 2014

Fun Weekend, and pictures from Graduation

Greyson is full on in the middle of summer camp and he really is enjoying it very much.  He has swim lessons at school each day, he is certain to be a swimmer by the end of the summer.  Each week in summer camp they do a new theme, this week is science experiments - lots of exploding volcanoes and the like.   They also get two other times to swim in the pool each day and are learning plenty of new games, he came home and told me about this new game the teachers made up called "7 up" I had to keep a straight face as he explained it not letting on that I had ever heard of it before. 

So back to my post title... Friday he swam three times at school, we came home and friends showed up to play then they invited us down to swim (oh why not what's one more time going to hurt :)).  They had 7 kids in the pool for 3 hours and the 7 or 8 grown ups hanging around the pool watching and chatting till the sun set into the lake.  They have a great lake lot and back yard pool and patio.  It was just heaven.

Then Saturday we went to a birthday party at the bowling alley.  Greyson loves to bowl which is something I do not like to do.  His old school took him 3 times a year, and every time we go by the bowling alley he says,  "Mom you should take me bowling sometime"  I usually respond with, "ask your Dad to, Mom doesn't like to be inside a bowling alley."  Well it's been a while since I bowled and I must say it's not the dark smokey place I remember exactly.  The game scored it's self electoricly (something I don't remember last time I went) and the kids had lot of fun.  Greyson score was about 90 (with gutter guards in) and he was very  proud of it.  Each time he when to throw the ball down the ally he would end up sprawled out on the ground.  All the parents though he was hysterical although he didn't really notice that they noticed he was so focused on his game.  All I can say is he knocked down pins each time with plently of force.  A couple of times they even went flying hitting other pins.  He was so excited to get to bowl and to top it off to bowl with his friends.  After our bowling adventures we quick drove home to have a rushed dinner to go out on the golf cart to a live band in the neigborhood park a little HOA sponsered party.  It was plently of fun but hot and humid.  The neigbors at the end of our street asked us if we wanted to come over and swim at the end of the party and we certainly took them up on that.  Greyson and the other kid had so much fun with the home owner making him swing them around in the pool for at least an hour.  They ALL(home owner included) sleep great that night.  Then Sunday we went to get groceries and donunts, came home and wached it rain all day with the windows open because it toped out about 72degs for the day, finally the sun came out and we road around on the golf cart for a bit and picked plenty of garden tomatoes (the cherry ones are starting to come in by the handful) still waiting on the bigger ones to get any color on them.  Next weekend we have a fun neigborhood party and the town freadom fest parade and event. Then Thursday it's off to NY to visit the family for the three of us for the long weekend.  So looking forward to seeing the entire extended family and seeing fire flies by the thousands (July in NY is my favorite).  Although we did see two the other night in our own front yard, I don't think I've ever seen any in texas so that was real neat.  Other wildlife spottings: a deer in the back yard and some turkeys in the front yard then plently of great birds, still seeing earstern blue birds and painted puntings and tons of hummings birds.  Started seeing the big swallow tail butterflies as well. 

poor dog :(

luck dog :)  She loves to go for a ride on the golf cart
 And here are some graduation pictures from a few weeks ago.

the sun was very bright

but it finally when behind some big clouds.

this is Greyson's teacher Miss Jenny

and this is Miss Ashley (back left of Greyson) her teaching assistant.   

such a cute hat!

Such a great teacher, Geryson was very lucky to have her.  She made his year so special.
     ~Greyson's Mom

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