Thursday, July 10, 2014

6 Years Old!

Today's the day!  We had pancakes this morning and I guess I've been slacking because when I was telling Greyson last night that we would have pancakes in the morning he said, "Oh who's going to be here that will make them?"    

Today at school they are having watermelon instead of cake (I picked that and brought it, he was semi OK with it, teachers we're thrilled).  We'll stop on the way home and pick up a cake (he wanted to pick out a cake in fact he specifically said, "Mom can I please get a grocery store cake" and then insisted that he pick it out so that is what we will do.   Tonight for dinner before the cake, is his favorite chicken drumsticks and corn on the cob (but he's got a serious loose tooth (3rd one)) so I'll have to make that corn cut off the cob instead.  Then we plan to play games.  He's getting real good at checkers and loves to play the kids version of monopoly and a few other games we have. 

What will he get - well he's obsessed with trains ever since we visited Chip's house on vacation and Chip so graciously and patiently let him "run the train".  It was seriously the highlight of the trip for him.  I'm not sure if I should thank Chip or curse him though because we spent the remainder of the trip cleaning Andy's old train set and packing it for my parents to ship to us.  But seriously thank you Chip for a really awesome time.  And thank you to Uncle Andy for offering the train set to us for the time being.  So once we receive it that will certainly be his favorite gift of all time.  He asks about it constantly, he even says he dreams about it.  Often he is heard mumbling (almost singing) to himself, "just thinking about my train set." over and over.

We also plan to build a large sand box and have a load of sand delivered.  He and other neighborhood kids will really enjoy that.     

Here are a few pictures from last weekend's vacation.

Best buddies! My cousin Mackenzie out did us all and had seriously the cutest kid EVER! Micheal is 2 and a few months.  He's even cuter in person! 

these two hold their own though

watching the parade

love this picture, he just saw the big horses coming down the road, he loves them.

"I just ate a S'more can you tell?"

best view in town

sparklers before dark for the kids

so stink'en cute! even if he was contagious LOL

long day

Real family band

kid can sing!

It was so good to see everyone, these kids grow so fast!  Great to catch back up with family, see the kids play together and relax a bit.  Oh and last but not least dig threw every inch of the barn attics.   More pictures in the next post to come of the fun stuff I found. 

~Greyon's Mom

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