Thursday, May 22, 2014

Pictures from the Week

Saturday morning dress.  Boots - yes, Helmet - yes, Pants not needed!  Hope he's always so not interested in what people think that he can wear his underwear bike riding forever (or maybe not) :) 

Here's what an eggplant flower looks like if you didn't know.  Garden is looking fantastic even this pre-hailstorm eggplant has come back beautifully   
Speaking of hailstorms  all the roofs in the neighborhood are being replaced.  Greyson saw a semi pull up and park at the end of our driveway.  Keep in mind we live at the end of a dead end street so that is a huge deal and something we would never see otherwise.  He was so excited I had to move a chair out there so he could sit and watch the guy unload the palate of shingles.  Once he realized he had an audience the driver really put a show on by driving it over to him and lifting up the forks as high as they would go then asked his opinion as to where he should unload the palate. Greyson loved it!    


Full view of the garden.  So excited for the tomatoes to start getting bigger, lots of little baby ones in there.
Here is Greyson's very first written and spelled out all on his own note to Dad.  He was so excited that he could write out something.  "Hot Dad, Done Dog."  I think he's more excited to learn to spell words than he is to read words but all is coming alone as expected.  He will have reading homework all summer to prep for Kindergarten.  They start with spelling tests about two months into school so he needs to hit the ground running.

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