Monday, May 12, 2014

Statue of Liberty talk and Hermit Crab Racing

Greyson and I were reading a book that had the Statue of Liberty in it.  I told him:

Me: "you know when I was a little girl I went up in an elevator into the statue and walked around her crown and then went up stairs into her arm and all the way up to the flame in her hand. "

then I launched into where she is and where she came from and what she means 10 minutes later when I was done he asked..

GDY: "did you have to be miniaturized first mom?" 

thanks to Wild Kratts my kid thinks the "miniaturizer" is a real thing.

Me: "no I was full size Greyson, it's a really big statue."

GDY: "I wan't to go and see it"

Me: "we can plan a trip..."

Had a real nice Mother's day lunch at the house with Grand Mom, Gerda and Kelly and the kids.  Greyson and the girls played for hours with his toys then they wanted to race the hermit crabs :) here they are posing with them at the start of the race.

 It was first hermit crab off the rug wins the prize.   The prize was goldfish crackers BTW.   Ten minutes later we had to form a search and rescue party to find the winner, he had fled to another room and was hiding behind the door.  they can move fast when they want to... 

Grammie comes to visit in 21 days! Getting excited!

Have a great week everyone,

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