Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Current Happenings and Tough Questions

First to catch up we had a nice Memorial day weekend visit with Olivia, Pete and Andrew.  Always good to catch up with friends you don't see that often.  While at our house Andrew lost his first tooth.  He was really excited, when we had both boys in the back seat of the pick up going to take them fishing Greyson said....

GDY: Dad I haven't lost any of my teeth.

then Dad asked a very leading questions fully expecting the answer Greyson gave

DAD: And why is that Greyson?

GDY: Because I brush EACH tooth TWICE a day!

 then Greyson turned to Andrew

 GDY: You must have missed that tooth, you have to brush each one.

I quickly pipped up

MOM: Well there comes a time when you will loss them each no matter how much you brush them, that's why Andrew lost his.

Speaking about fibbing to your kid...

So a sad thing happened some older neighbors had their house foreclosed on, they live 5 house from us.  I went down to help sort their belongings and load the trucks along with about 15 other neighbors last night.  So when we drove by the house this morning Greyson said

GDY: is that the house Mommy?

MOM: yes that is the house I was at helping last night.

GDY: why did they stop paying the bank?

MOM: what ELSE do you know about it??

GDY: they stopped paying for their house and the police came and took them and their stuff out. Mom that's why all their stuff is on the lawn.

MOM: Well yes those are the facts of what happened ,in addition to that though they are very old and are sick so they were not able to work anymore and when the value of their home when up almost double they found it impossible to pay the taxes oh and the variable rate interest loan didn't help matters.  Then to top it off even though they tried to sell they couldn't find the money, (again the fixed income problem) to fix some of the cosmetic issues the house has nor could then pay to have someone move excess belonging to storage so the house would show well.  SO it's not always as simple as the facts buddy!

GDY: OK MOM, can I have some milk now?

Not sure I took the correct approach, nor am I sure I told him the correct thing but I AM sure Dad's version could have also been better. 

But then all my next door neighbors told their 10 and 8 year old was that mommy and daddy just helped them move, that's it- just move, no more details.  Those are smart parents!!

Greyson's started asking some HARD to answer questions:

the other morning I got to attempt

"Where was I before I was in your tummy?"  and right after that he asked "Is the sun a planet?"

I need a copy of "answering 5 years old's questions for dummies"  I mean you really have to think about some  ( or should I say get in a heated discussion with your spouse as to what the answer to the question is :) ) of these before you answer. 

And I hear they just keep getting harder and harder...I better get in front of this :) wish me luck.

~Greyson's Mom

PS he's staying in the Pre4 class, the teachers said his fine motor skills (writing letters and such) need huge improvements.

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