Friday, September 20, 2013

This Week's News

Greyson came in last night and said...

GDY: "Mom can you read to me instead of Dad, he smells!!!"

Me:    "Well what does Dad smell like?'

GDY: "He smells like Lasagna Mom!!!" (like it was the worst thing in the whole world)

The other day in the car ride home he was telling me:

GDY: "Mom when you go up in a rocket REALLY far, and you take your seat belt off guess what?!? you're WIGGLE-LESS!!!!" (mispronouncing weightless) and then went on to explain  "and when you go to walk the AIR DOES IT FOR YOU!!!!" 

I'm not sure if he learned this in school or saw it on tv but I though it was funny but also interesting what he "got" out of it.  Kind of reminded me of that game kids played where they sit in a circle and pass a sentence by wispering and then laugh at how different it is at the end. 

Enjoying some much needed rain today this is a picture of us out in what use to be the lake we live next to.  Dave should be at least 15 feet under water where he is walking...

~Greyson's Mom

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