Friday, August 23, 2013

Finger Lake Pictures

While up to get Greyson from his week long vacation by himself with Grammy and Grampy we visited what's called the finger lake section of NY state.  Very nice area with grape vineyards and gorgeous deep lakes.  Here is a picture of what I think must be the most beautiful veggie garden on the planet.  Olivia you and I could have spent days here...


and this was maybe be the best fruit stand ever!!  I didn't nearly get enough pictures of it though, when I looked back at phone pictures I saw why.... Greyson had snagged it and started taking them of everything running too fast and they were all so blurry.  I'm sure I didn't care at the time because he was occupied which of course allowed me to look everything over in detail.  You'll have to trust me it was super nice.
How exactly do you get a shot like this I wonder? :)
and one last random funny picture

And this wasn't the first one of these we saw on our trip.  I think the Northeast is the only place you can still find these.  Grayson was totally confused by them, said "why do you need a phone in a booth"???

~Greyson's Mom

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