Monday, March 4, 2013

Trip Recap

We had a great time on our trip. Here are some pictures with short explanations.
Ice cream!!! Greyson eat ice cream 4 times one day, only on vacation kid!

His standard picture look.

swimming out to Grammy

His standard I'm on the beach look, covered up and too busy to look up!

Dave's standard beach look :)

ah finally I got him to look at me.
the big old boat that shuttled us around

me before I went zip lining
both of us after one run.  It was loads of fun I highly recommend it.

Everyone except me (always behind the lens) after a day at the beach

Greyson in standard beach mode, (Mexico)

too windy for the beach the last day but we went anyway, found a nice restaurant with tables in the sand.

Greyson and Grampy horsing around.

Here we are in dumb hats at the restaurant.

ocean in Mexico, it was so stirred up because of the high waves, not as pretty as it could have been.

you can sort of see where the water color turns to teal (that's the start of the reef).

And what might have been the best part of the whole trip according to Greyson the "towel art" they left on the bed each evening, here's a armadillo I think.

and a very scary monkey

a sitting pig.

The staff catered to the kids on the boat since there where so few.  They would line up in the hall to see his reaction to his new animal when we would return to our room from dinner.  He just loved them all.  We even attended a little demonstration on how to make the animals one day.

So it was a great trip and most trips are hard because we are leaving Grammie and Grammy for so long afterwards and although we won't see Grampy until the summer we get to see Grammie again in a week!!  She's coming down again to play with Greyson on spring break week.
~Greyson's Mom

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