Monday, March 18, 2013

Late Happy St. Patty's Day!

We had a great weekend enjoying the weather and my mom being in town. She getting over a nasty case of Bronchitis but was finally able to at least enjoy the beautiful weather on Sunday. Here is a picture of Greyson and her on the back steps. He's wearing his green shirt (a hand me down from Gage if I'm not mistaken).

I was glad to get a picture of him in it early because I think he had at least four outfit changes threw out the day - mostly because of the sprinklers running (I'll get to that later in the post). 

So I celebrated the day fittingly by painting our office green! These pictures do not do it justice, it's much brighter and richer than these show it.

We also went for a sunset cruise in the golf cart last night, here's a picture from the camera phone. 

And last but certainly not least we worked on our "sprinkler/ suck water from the lake" system.  David hired some guys to come and finish the trenches and bury the sprinkler lines and then he was even able to get the pump (which is not the final pump it's just the practice pump) to water the back yard!!!  This pump we are using will not be strong enough to pump water to our front yard since it's up hill. So that's why we will be get a larger pump which is on order and should be in by the end of the week.  Here are some pictures of him working on it. 
this is what I see most nights, him "working" on the pump system LOL 
But he must have been doing something because here they are running, this is lake water people!! Can you tell how excited I am to not have the pay for city water to irrigate anymore? 
We asked Greyson to not soak himself, meaning it IS lake water, who know what's in it.  So he managed to stay out of it for the most part but with dad surprise turning a different station on here and there and with him just being in the yard all day he was plenty wet a few times.
We are very glad to be almost able to say this big old project is finished.    
~Greyson's Mom

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