Monday, March 25, 2013

Rachel's Birthday Weekend :)

So my good friend Shari invited us to the lake house this weekend.  They (her and her family) planned a great time.  Here are a few pictures that she sent, I didn't remember to take any.

some deer on the way in, we saw more deer than normal this time.  Even saw a bunch on each few walk we took.

Here are some of the kids from the weekend.


The boys threw paper airplanes for hours and then played outside with the push scooters.  Greyson enjoyed playing with the youngest girl 2 1/2 year old.  She was really good at escaping and Greyson was really good at telling on her.  At one point he came running down the stairs and pointed at her mom and told her to come with him.  She had climbed up on the top bunk.  He keep saying I told her she couldn't do that but she didn't listen.  I didn't climb up there I'm not allowed to.  He never got tired of following her around and making sure she was doing what she was suppose to be doing. 

It was a cold weekend but we all had fun sitting around the warm patio fire and talking late into the night.  They all brought such wonderful things to eat we had the best dinner Saturday night.  David really enjoyed talking to one of the guests they seemed to have a work connection and chatted about paint and related things for hours. 

Such good fun with such good friends!

~Greyson's Mom

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