Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Here is what Greyson will be handing out in class today:
and this is our contribution to the class party:
(I love this bowl btw Jasmine! your "seconds" are phenomenal)

Here his is Monday night.  Not a bad life this kid leads:  fireplace going, rocking chair, a bowl of goldfish crackers and Wild Kratts on the tube.  :)  I said something about the day and he said "It's a good day mom, a really good day!"

Here's a close up on the orange tree that he asked for at Christmas.  I'm so proud of it, it's probably got 80 flowers on it right now and the smell in our house is amazing.  I wonder it will really grow tangerines, well even if it doesn't I'm happy with just the flowers every spring.

Here is the next door neighbor that borrowed Greyson's sweatshirt one night 3 months ago and hasn't since taken it off.  Is that the cutest thing you've ever heard or what!!! It's like his first letter jacket.  Also of note she's 4 years older than him and they can easily wear the same clothes. 

They move in their finished house right nextdoor this weekend.  We feel so lucky to have such great neighbors.  The kids are so nice to him, really just genuine sweet hearts.  One weekend a few weekends ago all the kids were hanging out in the house together and playing, we adults were outside.  I asked Greyson later on after everyone left which kid he liked better to see which boy he played with the best.  He didn't even think about it and said Megen.  Megen is this girls older sister.  I though it was so sweet to know that she is obviously watching out for him in the bigger group of older kids enough that he noticed.  Anyway the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  The parents/ new neighbors Rob and Kelly are just awesome, we really look forward to spending 30+ years living next to them and enjoying their company. 

~Greyson's Mom

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