Friday, December 14, 2012

Just a Little Allergic Reaction

Last week we spend a few days dealing with an allergic reaction to something Greyson had gotten into.  Looked like poison ivy to me but the six doctors we saw said it was not that.  We when in Tuesday because he had red dots on his chest and the skin around his eyes was a little red.  Also his normal allergy's were making him cough really awful.  So they prescribed some liquid steroid and sent us on our way.  We came back the next day because he was clearly worse, eyes really swollen and red rash all over the place this time.  They kept us for about 4 hours running test after test doing chest ex rays even.  It was like we were in an episode of the fox series "House" all 5 doctors keep coming in and looking at him, the rash was spreading as we waited.  Final they said that didn't know what it was but that it wasn't serious because they had ruled out anything major.  They sent us home with a mega dose of steroids and antihistamines.  In 24 hours he was tons better.  This was him 24 hours after the medicine had kicked in I refused to take a picture at his worse.  I also failed to mention that threw the whole thing he was in a great mood and felt fine, just looked like he had been run over by a train:   

Thank goodness we already had taken the Christmas card pictures because this kid would have been more appropriate on a Halloween card instead.  He looked like a better zombie this past week than after I spent 15 min. putting makeup on him for Halloween.  Here lets compare, please vote for best zombie in the comments :)

~Greyson's Mom

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