Monday, December 3, 2012

Cat, Poor Cat

So our cat was in a minor cat fight and we had to take her into the vet because of a nice two inch long gash on her leg.  David offered to take her in because he drives past it on his way to work.  Greyson and I picked her up because he had to work off site and was coming home later then the vet was open anyway.  Greyson and I went into get her and she had a E- Collar on her which was hysterical and she was in her travel box.  Greyson and the cat don't really get a long she always runs and hides from him because he wants to love her to death.  So all he could see was that she was in a wire box that she couldn't get out of and it had a handle on top of it.  He was thrilled, he wanted to carry her out to the car and wanted her to sit next to him in the seat.  She was meowing a little on the way home and he said:

GDY: "Rach the kitty is talking."

Me: "I know buddy, she's saying I want to get home."

then she really started up


GDY: "The cat REALLY REALLY REALLY wants to get home Mom"

ME: "Yea I know buddy, she wants me to go faster but I can't"

GDY: after a short pause... "I know motorcycles go fast, I'll take the kitty home on a motorcycle.  I can put her on the handle bars.

That immediately gave me a great visual  of that poor old cat that doesn't like Greyson being stuck wearing an E-Collar (which it hates) in a cat crate (which it also hates) on the handle bars of a motorcycle being driven by my son FAST!  all because he thinks he's looking out for her best interest. 

So then we flip to two days later and David had Greyson in Bonham they were driving back and he said Greyson told him:

GDY:  Dave next time you take the Kitty to the vet in the truck, I'll pick her up on my motorcycle."

Dave: Oh really.?.

GDY: "I'll put her box on the handle bars"

Dave:  the quick thinker that he is said "Do you have a kitty helmet??"

GDY: " A what?"

Dave: " A kitty helmet, if shes going to ride a motorcycle she needs a helmet"

GDY: "Where do I get a kitty helmet?"

Dave: "The Internet has everything."

I can't wait for him to tell someone at school,  "the Internet has everything, my dad say it even has kitty helmets."

~Greyson's MOM


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