Thursday, July 5, 2012


We spent the last two days swimming and watching fireworks.  Tuesday night we went to watch the airshow and certainly the best fire works in the area (they get nationally ranked every year so it's really good).  But better than that the weather was perfect, hot but not humid and a nice breeze.  Lots of people drive in for this so there was traffic galore, we had good parking and prime seating but as you will see we were just in a field with our car and others so the backdrop of the pictures isn't that great.  Greyson met a new friend and they gave us some cute little airplanes to play with which was so nice.  Greyson didn't seem to interested in the airshow but really loved the fireworks.

waiting for it all to begin

I love this picture!

here are the planes that we were gifted

playing on the blanket

Playing with his new friend Bailey

sun starting to set...
I didn't really attempt to get many plane pictures but here's one.

look at that!

checking out the planes

On Wednesday we went over to other mommies house for a swim party /cook out. The boys swam and swam and then Greyson (the youngest of the group) took a 3 hour nap at their house.  We then went to hang out with friends on the lake at The Colony City park.  It's a big grassy park with a nice gradual walk into the lake.  GDY swam and swam some more.  The sun set over the lake and then the big almost full moon came up.  We brought glow bracelets for the kids, they ran around in the grass  throwing them up in the air having so much fun.  Then we sat down on the lawn and watched the fireworks show.  I hate to compare them, obviously the night before was bigger but this one was really long and was so nice because of the park and they shot them right out over the water so they reflected in the water and looked so awesome.  Being on the lake also allowed us to see about 10 other professional city shows at the same time.  It was a really nice evening.  I don't have pictures from this one I just didn't think I should bring the camera down to the lake. Should have though, next year for sure.

~Greyson's Mom


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