Monday, July 2, 2012

Wet Weekend

Too bad it wasn't wet because of rain.  We only had about 8drops and some very heavy clouds yesterday afternoon.  Cloud cover while it lasted was nice, though. Greyson and I had a great weekend of fun.  The little town we now live in had a nice relaxed Independence Day celebration.  We showed up early to get a good spot for the parade.  Well, it wasn't very crowded at all.  I counted 30 people watching the parade so we got to stand in the shade and see all of it.  It was short, maybe 5 minutes long, and, to think, we were considering participating and  I thought they'd have too many old cars and/or too many golf carts as it is. Next year we will be a part of it.  After the parade we went over to scope out the water slide they had set up.   All the little kids were taking turns going down and Greyson was so excited to go. It was very similar to the one we had rented for his birthday last year.  He had a blast sliding down and standing in line with the other kids and I saw and talked to a few moms I've meet in the neighborhood. Then we went over and had some of the nice barbecued pork sandwiches the firemen had been making all morning.  We enjoyed the live band playing Beach Boy  music.  They had a car show (maybe 15).  The whole event had a very small town feel but was also very well done--just perfect for the Saturday morning.

Going over to scope out the water slide

eating a snack before the excitement

look Mom more kids are finally here...

over there!

glasses are ripped off as he finds something to show me

this little do-dad made his voice sound funny when he talked into it.

Parade is starting

loud fire truck

front half of the parade

back half

best part of any parade -getting candy

look at is hands, he wouldn't look up for the picture needless to say

We could have stayed longer picking up candy but I thought one hat full would be enough

To the water slide...
he was not so sure he wanted to be in line for this...

checking out the first one down...


very into it now...

first time down

at the bottom

waiting in line again

skinny white boy

little over exposed but such a joyful look, he had decided that after his first time down that on his second  he needed to change it up and go belly first, the third and last time he when down he also went belly first but did a running jump first. That's why he only got to go three times.  Mom was scared about what might follow that one up.

I talked Greyson into going home and taking a nap so that we could go to the water park with the soon to be new neighbors. The family that will be moving in next door when their house is done (it's being built now) invited us to go with them because it was the youngest daughter’s birthday. She's 7 and the older one is 9.  We met up with them and had a blast Greyson enjoyed himself so much.  He played in the kiddo area for an hour then we went over to the big slides and he insisted on going down.  He was an inch too short but they let him anyway.   It was a "no tube by yourself  kind of slide" so the attendant at the bottom had to catch him, he had gotten turned around on it at some point and was backwards when he came off the end.  I went up with him so then I went down and let me tell you it was no "kiddie ride" when I shot off the end. I asked him if he wanted to go again fully expecting him to bust into tears, he started walking towards the stairs to go back up saying, "Yeah, mom.  Hurry let's go!" before I could even get out of the pool.  GDY might look like me but on the inside he's all David.   I wouldn't have gone down this slide until was at least 15 and I wouldn't expect any average kid under 10 to even like it.   Then we went down again and again until I could talk him into going back to the kiddo area. After 2 hours I was beat. He wanted to stay longer but he was in good spirits as we left with high hopes to come back again sometime very soon. It's a close, easy to get to, inexpensive and very clean park - we will certainly make it back again.

The slide he went down is orange and is behind this blue slide it's looks the same except is open all the way down.  This blue one was closed the day we when. See the tall stairs in the back right of the picture.

       So that was one fun packed Saturday and on Sunday we just laid around until Dad came home from Bonham.  He was tasked with building a fence on Friday and Saturday to allow the cows to get to another part of the property.  When he got home, very tired from that adventure he jumped right into finishing the door on the shed.  The neighbor was over at the lot next door burning brush and pushing trees down with the bobcat which he had been doing all weekend.  He offered up the use of the bobcat and all the sand we could move.  Dave brought over about 15 scoops and dumped it in the patio area so that project is also back on track.  We also took advantage of the burn day and torched our growing pile of brush.  So it was a very productive and tiring weekend for all.  Greyson was happy to just have to go to school this morning. 

Here are some pictures of the neighbors progress.  I plan to continue to take pictures as they build and make them a big photo book as a move in present. 

so sad that this tree had to go but if they had left it it would have been in the bedroom :)  it was loads of fun watching them push it over with the bob-cat though

Rob on left (new neighbor) and Brad (also lives in neighborhood and his best friend from childhood happens to also be the home builder) they are sitting on our property line which Rob is building a wood log pile style fence down.  It looks cool can't wait till he gets more of it done.

burning some of the top of that big tree

bottom of that big tree

David side tracking Rob

All the sand in our area, it's like we live at the beach, no clay here at all.

lot of wood left to cut and stack

There is a one story tall sand pile that they dug with this bobcat David only took a small amount of what they need to have moved off the property.  Foundation will be framed and poured soon.  They expect to be done and moving in in late January 
   Greyson is loving getting to watch all this excitement.  On the other side of our house the neighbors finally put a sold sign up so we will have a new family moving in in about a month.  It's been reported that they have two kids at least one is Greyson's age then maybe a 7 year old. Looking forward to meeting them.

~Greyson's Mom

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