Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Back from the Beach

We flew home on Sunday and arrived to the first snow of the year :) nice cold welcome for us.  We all had a wonderful trip and really enjoyed the fantastic warm sunny days.  My parents both enjoyed playing with Greyson and we enjoyed some free time.  Highlights of the trip were the Thomas the Train cards my Mom packed for Greyson, he just loved them, sorted then, handed them out and lined them up for hours at a time.  She also had all kinds of arts and crafts for him to do each afternoon, too.  He loves to paint and he also loves to glue with a glue stick.  By the time we left the fridge was covered with his work. 

So first time at the ocean for him and he immediately turned into a fish, called it the lake most of the time and we swam morning and late evening every day.  He is fearless of the waves and just loved throwing himself into them, and it was great exercise.  He ate anything and everything and slept like a rock.  This boy is predestined to be a surfer, he could not get enough of everything to do with surfing, asked about them every time he saw a surf board and pointed them out in the water.  The surfers would most of the time call him cute and rub his blond hair.

He also really enjoyed the animals, but that didn't surprise me he's an animal lover.  We saw and heard (woke us up at 4 am everyday)  many howler monkeys, lots of birds and butterflies.  Greyson saw a Ring-tailed Coati (similar to a raccoon), horses, cows, lots of iguanas and endless beach crabs.

Some Greyson vacation saying:

"Mom don't say the word why."

"I hope I don't run out of kisses." - to Grammy

"Lets go to the lake!!"

He sang the "Continents Song" they learned in school over and over the entire trip, and especially any time he saw a map.  He would tell us I don't need any help when we would sing along.  I'm working on getting him a world map for his wall at home, he will certainly love it.

Here are the words and I'll take a video of it so we have it to upload also.

"Tell me the continents, tell me the continents.
 North America!
 South America!
 Africa, Europe, Asia. 
Don't forget Australia, don't forget Antarctica.
Tell me the continents, tell me the continents if you can. "

We unfortunately lost the camera on the last day of the trip so no pictures but I did take a few movies and here they are. - Greyson, Grammy and Grampy playing in the waves at the second beach. - Greyson Grammy and Mommy playing in the waves.

these next ones are a bit boring but I figured I should include them in case anyone needs to see more... - Greyson and Grammy in the surf collecting shells. -

Also we have some movies of the wildlife mostly monkeys and fish (underwater footage even, in the tide pools) look for those in the posts next.

~Greyson Mom

PS When I woke him up to go to school the first day back, I said time to go to school and he said lets go to the lake first, Mom.  When we arrived at school he was very happy to see everyone and eager to kiss me so I would leave.

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