Monday, January 30, 2012

Certainly My Son

I asked Greyson where the dog was and he said...

GDY: Reese is in the bedroom on her bed
Me:  She is?
Gdy: yes come see
     So I followed him in there and he pointed at the dog bed , she wasn't there like I though and with out missing a beat or looking surprised he said...
Gdy: I told you she wasn't in here

And if that wasn't proof enough that he's mine, we were driving in the car over the new lake bridge.  For those of you who are not local it's a long lead up then a big arching dark metal structure.  We were on the first part before the bridge and he said, "Hey mom don't run into that big black thing up there",  just as calm as could be, he was pointing at the bridge but it was hard to tell that it wasn't ON the road from our angle.

Made me think back to the time we were riding with my Aunt and I asked her calmly, "Is it a big deal if the sign says:  Do Not Enter, Wrong Way, Go Back!"  up there along the road?" 

Love you Aunt Dar... :)

Here are some (camera phone) pictures of Greyson's adventure in a kids Yoga class.  He did great but was really too young for it, he would watch intently but only do 20% of what the others were doing.  At one point the teacher had them find a friend and a nice little girl named Grace snatched him up and danced him around the room.  He wasn't shy at all.  He had a huge grin on his face the whole time she was holding his hand.

too cute!!!

trying a yoga move

you can even see him smiling at her in this picture.

trying another move
  Greyson enjoyed showing Nanny Kim around his new house this past Saturday, she baby-sat for him while Dad and I spend the day moving furniture to the house.  On Sunday morning we moved another load and finally have all the big stuff, just some art work and a few small things left to get.  Yeah!!!! glad to have that basically done.  We also got back the report from the inspector on our old house, just minor DIY stuff to do so that's great new also.  The new house looks good with our furniture, not that it's all set up or anything but it's coming along.

~Greyson's Mom

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