Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Couple Greyson Sayings and a Sold House!!

We have a signed contract and closing date set on our old house!! YEAH !!!  We're only waiting for the inspection  (hopefully no major problems) and on the 17th we are signing it over to the buyers.  They are a nice young couple who wanted a house with a pool and yard.  They viewed it last Friday and sent us an offer the same day.  From all accounts they love our house.  We're thrilled and relieved to be hopefully almost done with the house selling process. 

Here are some Greyson sayings as of late:

Greyson said this to his Uncle Robert when we we're in Austin.  It was the middle of the night and he was in the bottom bunk, Robert wearing just his pants and no shirt was putting a sound asleep Gage in the upper bunk and Greyson said, "I see your pants!"  Robert though it was funny and told us in the morning, we all laughed about it the rest of the day.

Greyson told me the other day when he wanted a snack,  "The belly needs a marshmallow."

And here is a funny conversation we had on the way to school yesterday.  We saw two deer cross the road and

GDY:  STOP!, I want to pet them.
Me:   They won't come to the car.

He said this next row of sentences and questions without a breath and without even thinking in between...

GDY:  Why are they not friendly? Donkeys are friendly mom Cows are not friendly. Cows have horns sometimes and sometime they don't have horns. That's funny! 

I was rolling on the floor.

~Greyson's Mom

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