Friday, February 24, 2012

Pizza Day and some left over phone camera pictures

First meal in Costa Rica

GDY  stuck a french fry in the mouth shortly after this.

This is the sand box at Greyson's School.  He loves it.  We had a small one at the old house and we certainly need to get one set up at the new house soon.  I asked him what he was doing and he said he was "fixing the pipes".  The city workers have been digging every day for a week near his school, turns out they are fixing the real pipes.

I went along on Greyson's field trip today to make a pizza at the local pizza joint.  Then we brought them back it eat for lunch.  It was a good field trip and the kids had fun building the pizza's.  Greyson doesn't like pizza but likes to cook with me so he did enjoy making it and really was interested in the oven and how it worked.  It was a long conveyor belt so you could watch it go all the way through.    He even tried a few bites, still doesn't like it but at least he tried it.  

Looking forward to a productive weekend, Joe is back from lets say his "long extended vacation down state"  :)  you New Yorkers will know what that means.  He wanted to come over and help with anything we needed so he's helping clear brush at the new house all Saturday and on Sunday they're going to Bonham to work, also.   I can't wait to see his reaction when he sees Greyson and how much he has grown and I can't wait to see what Greyson will think of seeing him again.  He always has liked Joe so much.   

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