Thursday, January 12, 2012

Quick Christmas Update

We had a wonderful visit to Austin to see David's family.  It was so much fun to see the cousins playing together and then to open presents together.  Lisa and Robert's remodeled house is beyond awesome and it was loads of fun to stay with them and chat about old times.  Greyson got a movie which he watched on the way back from Austin.  He didn't say a single word for the first two hours of the trip.  He also received a really cool racetrack that is attached to the wall.  He LOVES it and will play with it for hours.  We picked up my parents (Greyson's Grammy Doris and Grampy Bob) on the way back from Austin and then they stayed for just over 2 weeks.  They allowed us to finish up all the loose ends on our current house touching up and put the house in showing condition.  The weather was fantastic almost every day they were here, 60-70ies and nice and sunny.  We enjoyed spending both weekends up in Bonham playing on the country property.  Greyson really enjoyed bossing around my parents, a highlight from the visit was when he wanted to just have him and Grammy working on something and then my dad would try to come in he would say, "No, just 2 people here".   My Dad made him a bag on a rope to bring and send stuff over the stair railing which was an endless amount of fun for him (and the whole family for that matter).  Grammy and Greyson enjoyed making cookies, coloring and singing together.  (She thought that the next generation needed to know Puff the Magic Dragon, too.)  SO much fun to have them here and so sad to see them go but we will meet again real soon at the beach so we're all looking forward to that.

Our house is on the market and we have had some interest so things are looking good.  We closed on the new house yesterday and move in this weekend.  I'll have more updates and pictures and movies from Christmas when we get organized after the move.

~Greyson's Mom

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