Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New House

Greyson rolled with the move- no problem.  He has enjoyed the weather and getting to play out doors while we worked on unpacking boxes.  We have slept in the new house 3 nights and each night he did fine, sleeping all night long.  He enjoys being in a down stairs bedroom (one of the things we were looking for in our house search).  His favorite thing to show anyone when they come over is that the master bath has a phone in it.  He tells everyone as seriously and as proud as he can that, "Look! We can talk on the phone AND go poop!".  It's pretty funny what kids think are cool.

Another funny moving moment was on the first night in and we realized even though we had bought groceries we didn't bring a single fork or spoon.  Greyson wanted a yogurt and Daddy saved the day by filling a frosting bag and tip with it and showed him how to squeeze it into his mouth.  He loved it of course!

Once the boxes are unpacked I'll take some pictures and post them.

~Greyson's Mom

1 comment:

  1. So glad Greyson settled in nicely. Let him call Grammy on the bathroom phone ;) Nice weather huh?? We currently have a snow day and they are predicting 12+ inches.

    Let's hope that house of yours sells soon!! Hugs,
