Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dentist Appointment

Had Greyson's first dentist appointment this week.  I had planned to prepare him more for this appointment by talking about what would happen and maybe even finding a book that talked about going to the dentist.  Well that didn't really happen because this morning I told him we were going to the dentist and he paused and said, "what do dentist do mom?"  so on the drive (15 min) I tried to explain that this was no big deal but that he would have to open his mouth for the dentist so she/ he could see his teeth.  David and I go to the same dentist but it's sort of training dentist so you never know if you're going to get a female or male or if it will be the same as the last person.  So I couldn't even say she or he and I didn't know if they would give him anything afterwards so all I promised was "a surprise", knowing that he would at least get a toothbrush out of it.  Despite all of this wonderful (haha) prep on my part he did great.   Just a little shy at first but he opened his mouth finally for the young, cute, girl, dentist (I'm sure that didn't hurt the situation) and he even said thank you afterwards.  Teeth are in good working order and no issues were noted.  And he even recieved a balloon for his cooperation.  Can't wait to see how much my insurance got to shell out for that balloon :)

He told Dad proudly, "Dentist brush my teeth Dad!!"

Here are some pictures of him in the car afterwards.

this is what he looks like when I ask him to smile, aka the "fake smile" but at least it shows his nice white teeth. 

Having friends over Thursday for cake (a couple of b-days for some of us) and food.  Hope to get to discuss what everyone thinks of Montessori school programs.   I'm looking at a few for sometime in the upcoming summer late spring time frame.  I'm sad to say our Nanny share will be ending, as the other Mom is looking at a kindergarten type setting for Britain.  Greyson will probably benefit from the same though.  I received a few nice leads from some coworkers and I set up a some interviews with the centers next week to preliminarily check them out.  Also looking at signing him up for a 3 and up Basketball clinic and his second season of swim lessons this summer both offered by the city parks and recreation department.   They have a great program I really hope to use them more and more as he gets older.   

~Greyson's Mom 

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