Friday, November 12, 2010

My Favorite Greyson Words from the last few weeks...

His pronunciation is lacking to say the least but that doesn't mean his vocabulary is by any means.

Ladybugs- we have a lady bug counting book (I'm sure ever kid has at least seen this book if not has it for them selves)  It has the hard colorful lady bugs and cut out holes for each, as you turn the pages they count down in number.  The way Greyson says Ladybug is hysterical.  We ask him which books he wants to read and he starts listing them off a few and then says "laybees", LAYBEES!!!" not a three syllable word, not even a two syllable word just one fabulous syllable pronounced every time, "LAYbee".  

For the first 6 months of his life it was hard to tell who Greyson looked like, as with any baby.  Then we started to see dad's nose and mom's eyes, dad's hair and so on.  But now we are starting to see personality and other traits coming thru and it's really fun.  Greyson's Dad has a steel trap of a head for names and faces - he is amazing with it, I am on the other hand horrible with them (to a point of embarrassment).  I'm however excellent at remembering objects and where they are, Dad on the other hand is a complete idiot when it comes to that.  It's been a long running joke with the two of us that our kid could be unstoppable if he were to inherit both.... lets not talk about the other extreme of that...eeks!!

Greyson has shown some impressive name remembering skills - While riding to Library hour with Other Mommy, Nanny Kim and Britain the other day Greyson was listening in on a conversation between  Kim and O-Mommy which went...

Nanny - "Who else is going to the lake house this weekend?"
OMommy - "Well Nate, Kelly, Steve's friend from high school and his two sons Max and oh I can't remember the other brothers name."

Greyson who was presumably talking to Britain or looking out the window pipes up with "Ben, Ben"

OMommy-  "I don't know if he's right but he might be"

Britain (3 year old) "Yes it's Ben."

So Greyson had met Ben (yes he was right) and Max once a full two months ago and we haven't talked about them since. ..... His dad is quite proud to say the least.

Peak-Boo - Is a fun game in the house, not "Peak a Boo" it's "Peak-Boo".   - I need to get a video...  

We have migrated from Mommy and Daddy to "My Mommy" and "Dave".  He always refers to me as My Mommy even when he's talking directly to me.  And lately Daddy is just "Dave".  **and an update to that it's now changed to "My Dave"**

He's also really into giving me driving advise, constantly I hear "Green light Go", "Stop Red Light" and a lot of "This Way My Mommy".

~Greyson's My Mommy


  1. "My mommy" too cute!! The advice starts way too early ;)

  2. hehehe, yes I think he gets giving advise aka bossiness trait from me.
