Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Greyson's Best Buddy Brit

All weekend Greyson wanted me to show him pictures of Britain on my cell phone, he would just look at him and smile, it was cute.  Yesterday morning Shari, (Greyson's other mommy) went to the store with Britain to pick up a few items and he wanted a Robot so she said sure.   As they were walking away he said wait I need to get one for my "Best Buddy Greyson".  So they bought two and he happily presented it to Greyson when they arrived.  How Sweet is That?!!  In the movie I was trying to get Greyson to show us his new robot and tell me who gave it to him.   That didn't work so well, but it goes on to showcase a few of his favorite new phrases "Hey Man" and Hey Dude"  which he hears whenever David answers his cell phone.  We also captured him eating his first marshmallow, he couldn't stop smiling long enough to pronounce it.
Our weather this week has been AWESOME!!! Wish we could share some with you Stacey, Laura and Joe :)  It was 80 deg yesterday when I was driving home and it's nice and humid.  Topless convertibles and motorcycles (or as Greyson refers to them "motormen") are everywhere.

Looking forward to a long weekend of family and fun.  Hope you all enjoy as well!  ~Greyson's Mom

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