Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Weekend Adventures

What a nice three day weekend Greyson and I had (David was in Bonham for most of it tending to the cows).  We played on the neighbors zip line and their new swing (when these folks build something they go to the extreme).  I'm secretly hoping they want a tree house next:) It was so nice and warm out loved getting outside to enjoy the weather.   We also tackled plenty of chores inside and out.  Greyson is such a great helper always wanting to lend a hand and eager to see what is next on the list.  He helped hang shelving in the garage and helped me rake leaves.  He completely cleared all the weeds out of the front flower beds and then wanted to move on to others.  He had his little work gloves on and I was raking out the leaves first (really I was also checking for any snakes as well) no sign of any this time.   Pictures of the garage project to come.

We made it down to the lake a few times to drive the remote boat from Christmas the water was as calm as I've ever seen it.  So warm out the sun felt wonderful.  The only movement was the little RC boats' waves.  We picked up trash on the shoreline, Greyson and I try to do this anytime were down there.  A friend has offered to bringing over the cub scout troop she's a den mother for and having them help us pick up as an activity.  I was thrilled.  If the weather holds out it's scheduled for next Sunday.   

not sure if you you can really get a feel for how high up this swing is...

enjoying the sunshine

quick shot on the log then off to explore

Reese of course had to test the water out.  She matches the gasses really well this time of year.

 ~Greyson's Mom

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