Friday, January 17, 2014

First Tooth Fairy Visit

Greyson had his first tooth come out, it was wiggly for a few weeks and then finally last Friday night he came excited over to us after dinner and said he had chocolate all over his tooth and that he had bit it with his other teeth.  The big one is clearly coming in so it was time and he was so excited to have his first tooth fairy visit.  He put his tooth in the box I had as a kid and it went under his pillow at that night.  He asked all kinds of good questions like how's she get in the house?  and will she be loud? and why does she take the tooth.

He woke up to go to the bathroom and on the way back to bed he said my tooth is gone she's been here look she left me money!  then he fell right back asleep.  The Fairy had left him Costa Rican Coins and a note that she flies all over the world to collect teeth and that she had just been in Costa Rica and though he might like some Colonies.  She also left a Fairy dust trail from the fireplace to his bedside table. :)

missing bottom center tooth

Tooth box
 So glad these teeth don't have to cut through any skin to show up, this round is so much more enjoyable than the first one. 

~Greyson's Mom

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