Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Weekend Sleepover

We had so much fun hanging out with Jesse and Kim and family this past holiday weekend.  They came over on Saturday and we all had a 2 day long sleep over, barbecue, swim party.  It was loads of fun.  The kids (all three) played well together, most of the time hanging out in Greyson's room loading the toys up under his bed for some reason.  They all took a nap at the SAME time both days. That was awesome!  We did eat too much but what's a three day weekend if you don't.  Jesse and I took pictures of the birds we have hanging out in the yard.  We have hoards of humming birds on the feeder hanging in front of the window.   I need to get them a second one so they fight less.  We also saw a red headed wood pecker and a few cardinals.

David enjoyed relaxing most of the weekend but also worked on his shed some more and put the pool together for the kids.  It's the best 70 dollars we could have ever spent.  They played in it all weekend and Greyson has enjoyed it each day since as well.  It's in the garage.   I love that it is completely in the shade and out of the way of the leaves and not creating any mud or muddy feet. 

shed progress - walls on and roof trusses in place

Roof done and wall tar paper going on

here's a sneak peek at the cedar siding aka fence boards. 

Kids in the pool before it was all the way full.

Good weekend, glad we could all get together!

~Greyson's MOM

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