Monday, May 21, 2012

Things 1 and 2

Here are the two trouble makers...
Aunt Shari got us this super cute shirt.   Greyson loves "Cat in the Hat" so he was really excited to see it.  (Ran around saying "I'm Thing 2, Mom!!" all weekend.)  He's clearly taller then BG, his best friend, who's 15 months older.  I checked Greyson's height at Bonham this weekend.  We have a wall that we mark all the kids' heights on (with a line,name and date).  Greyson was last measured about six months ago.  He has grown 2 inches since then!  He's out of all the 4T shorts and into only 5T and in kids' small size shirts--no 5t or even extra small shirts fit!

We had a nice weekend in Bonham visiting the cows and donkeys.  David worked on getting the field baled.  It's getting hot, we didn't have the AC on this weekend but certainly will need to for following weekends.  It's been really dry up there.  If we don't get some rain to green up the grass we will need to start giving the cows hay again soon.  Here's a picture I took.   Cows hold still long enough to make great models.  Much easier for me to practice with my camera on them than with Greyson.

Shortly after we got back to the house in Oak Point the power went out.  Greyson couldn't find a flashlight so this awesome pair of glasses were put to use.  My parents sent them-- Jasmine's Dad gave them to Greyson.  They were favors at a wedding they played.  It was a great 70's themed reception and I imagine the guests had a blast dancing with these crazy glasses.  They have 5 settings similar to Christmas lights (blink, double blink, chase, etc.)   Anyway, we just love them and now we have had a real reason to use them as well :)
not a great picture but certainly tons better than my point and shoot would have taken.
~Greyson's Mom

*update--since my post Jesse turned my picture into the perfect album cover!  Cow 542 (that's her real name) you're going to be famous! She'll need a stage name though...

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