Friday, April 13, 2012

Weekly Update

Only big news around our house is I DARE SAY WE ARE DIAPER FREE!!!!!! Wahoo!!!!  Greyson has (hopefully) finally stopped wearing them at night, it was very uneventful, just had gone a week without a diaper wetting night and I asked him if he wanted to skip the diapers and he said yes.  He now gets up at night, most of the time by himself and uses the bathroom and goes back to bed.  It's greatness!

The other day he was home sick with a cold and we were playing in one of the upstairs bedrooms that has a nice view of the back yard from a window seat.  He said he wanted this to be his room.  I told him in a year or so he could move upstairs if he still wanted to. 

We have a nice weekend at Bonham planned, I finally bought a decent camera so I will have pictures to show of the weekend.  Friends planning on staying with us and others joining us on Saturday for a cookout.  Then off to Britain's 5 year  birthday party on Sunday.  Can't believe he's that old.

Hope the weather holds out for us. 

~Greyson's Mom

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