Thursday, April 26, 2012

Are M and M's going to the lake house??

So we have plans to go to our friends great lake house this weekend.  I was telling Greyson that we're going to go and then he asked these questions, in this order:

GDY "Is Britain going?"

Me "Yes."

GDY "Is other Mommy going?"

Me "Yes, and Nate's going, too."

GDY "Nate-r-tater is going!!!!??  Wahooo!"

Me "Yes."

GDY "Is M and M going?!?!"

Me "There might be some but no promises."

GDY " Is my other house Nanny Kim going?" - (makes him sound so spoiled, TWO houses both with nannies LOL)

Then I listed all the other people, and he finally asked...

GDY: "Is my David going?"

Me: "Oh, sorry, I forgot him.   Yes, he's going."

SO that's the pecking order around here, sorry if your name is listed after the M&M's but at least it's listed.  Sorry, Dad.   You put in a lot of effort--you don't deserve being in last place.

We've been having great weather, last few weeks.  Days in the 70's and nights in the 50's, but yesterday it was almost if not 90.  Just serves as a reminder summer is just around the corner for us.

Just some basic house news-

1. I've been sick.  I have allergies (bad).  What have I learned?  Well...
   a. The house doesn't run well with out me :)
   b. We shouldn't have moved to a lot with 25+ Cedar Elm trees on it- I'm highly allergic to them.
   c.  The new doctors office we go to has a very attractive male nurse

     I left the doctors office with 3 prescriptions a shot in my butt, directions to continue to also take the over the counter med I was taking and a smile  Slept better last night and feel even better today, yeah!

2.  On the decorating front, I have our bedroom looking presentable, finally.   I'll take a movie soon so we can finish out the new house tour series. 

3. I have a new phone.  It talks.   David told it to call me "Greyson's Mom."   Cute and very funny-- just about wet my pants the first time it addressed me as such.

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend.   I should get to get to play with my new camera some more this weekend and I hope to have some new pictures to post early next week.




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