Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What are Adenoids?

GDY had another ear infection, so we finally were sent to a specialist where they determined that he would benefit from having tubes inserted and by having his adenoids removed. He/we really liked the ENT doctor and the office had two HUGE saltwater fish tanks in it so we were all happy waiting an hour to see him.

But back to the procedure... Adenoids are similar to tonsils but further up in the throat, kind of behind the nose area. They keep getting inflamed which is why he has so many ear infections.  If not taken out he will continue to get infections until he's about 7. So of course we said yes take them out.  He is scheduled for next Wednesday.

We have to make sure he doesn't eat or drink anything from Tuesday night on, then Wednesday morning we drive him over at 7 AM to the medical center and he will be given anesthesia. It will take less than 15 minutes for the doctor to perform the procedure and have him back in recovery. They said it would not be painful and that he probably wouldn't even need to take Tylenol. He will be able to eat and drink like normal when we take him home and will certainly be back in school the next day.

There are risks associated with every procedure but the doctor agrees as we do that it’s certainly worth it. I for one can’t wait for him to be ear infection free!!!

On another note....GDY has his Halloween costume and he is excited to tell all you readers out there that he's going to be a SHARK!!  Can't wait to get some video of him in his costume chomping his teeth and showing off his "swimming fins".

~GDY's Mom

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