Thursday, October 6, 2011


GDY has asked to have his room door left open the last few nights and in the morning he calls down, "Please? Wake Up Now Mom?"  I respond with, "Sure, if you're finished sleeping come on down." Then he says, "OK" and then we hear the pitter patter-Greyson walking down the hall and then down the stairs.  So cute.

Then this morning he was telling me about how he had hidden his jackhammer on Dad so that he couldn't find it.  I think it was half a story started by one of our books and half a dream he had had.   He said, "It was hiding under the dark".  I wasn't sure until I asked if he mean to say IN instead of UNDER.  So cute.

And our last so cute is how he responds to someone when he didn't hear them.  "What say (insert name here)?" 

~Greyson's Mom

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