Monday, September 26, 2011

Donkey's and Cooler Weather

Cooler temperatures last week allowed for this snuggle photo shoot on the outdoor swing.  Greyson has loved to snuggle on this swing after Grampy Bob showed him that he could bring all the pillows and blankets out to the porch.   Sure wish you had showed him how to bring them back in though Grampy Bob. 

Picked up this retro fireplace/ chiminea for the patio for our cool nights.  Hopefully it's more David proof than the last one (slight inside joke there).  

AND finally the pictures you've all been waiting for the new Donkeys!!!!  David went and picked them up Saturday morning.  The two grey ones are female (and probably both are pregnant) and the painted one is a young male.  His name is Joe (another inside joke NOT about the Seattle Joe) and the younger female has been named Jenny, the last one is currently unnamed. 
They got lots of snacks all day and they were clearly nice enough to pet and brush.  I think they've been ridden before. 

After they walked the perimeter of the fence they decided to stand in the shade under the big black oak tree. 
 They've even had visitors already, Char came up for a great lunch (thanks for all the yummy food!!!) and long visit on Sunday. She went on a tour in the jeep to see the fence and the donkeys up close and personal. They came right up to the windows, for an introduction.  They really seem to like their new home and extra space to roam around in.  Greyson is in love with them already and wanted to know why they weren't coming home with us when we left on Sunday.  I guess he thought they were like the dog.  Wouldn't we look silly with three donkeys in tow every time we came and went to Bonham....

~Greyson's Mom

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