Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Best Buddies

here they are, picture says it all!
 Here's a nice picture from last weekend.  I also remembered this funny story from the drive out to the lake.  Greyson was in center back (in car seat) and I was in front driving.  We kept going threw heavy thunder storms,, so it would rain really hard then it would let up. 

after the first storm...
GDY: Mom roll my windows down.

Me : It's still raining a little you might get wet, and it's probably cold out.

GDY: Mom Pleeeesssses Mom.

Me: OK here you go, let me know if you want them back up.

I looked back and he had the best look on his face, with both his arms out towards the windows then he said,

GDY: Feel the rain Mom?  Do this! Mom do this! 

I guess you don't have to teach a kid to like rain cooled air it's just innate.  So there we were, with all 4 windows down both with our arms stretched out "feeling the rain".  Even a 3 year old knows and enjoys it when the record heat wave ends :)

Then this morning on the drive in he told me.

GDY: Mom, I'm getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger.

Me: Yes you are, what are you going to do when you are big?

his immediate answer...
GDY : Be like Dave MOM!

Me: What's "be like David" mean? What will you do?

GDY : Drive a really big truck all by myself.

Humm, Dad I think it's time to get a Hybrid.

Way off topic does anyone recognize these plants (Olivia they are ones at the lake house if that helps) (aka west Texas Aunt Dar)

soft and kind of thick, not sharp and spiky like it looks. These plants were no taller than 2 feet by 2 feet wide.

Tall with a red stalk and the back of the leaves were red also.  Maybe a caster bean vine relative?? but it didn't need any support.
~Greyson's Mom

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