Monday, June 13, 2011

Dad's Not Comfy...

We saw off Grammy Doris off this morning.  Really nice having her for the 10 days, she did a lot of sitting so we could play, work and generally get stuff done.  She reports that Greyson is very easy to understand, I wasn't sure what she would think, also I wasn't sure if he would be ok with staying with her alone.  We see them so infrequently but either he's very flexible or remembers her enough, probably a combination because they really enjoyed the alone bonding time and he was really on his best behavior this time so that was good.  Didn't get the camera out much except to take a few of Greyson.  Here he is on the trike towing the wagon, he hooked it up with the dog leash.  Thanks again Char for the wagon he's really enjoying it, I love that it was David's before it was Greyson's.  I'll need to search the picture albums at your house sometime and see how many generations I can find with the wagon.

These pictures are at one of our play grounds at 8 in the morning, so early because it was over 95 every day of the visit, sorry about that Mom but it's June.  We have to get out early if we're going outside at all.  Reminded me of how glad I am that he doesn't have on diapers anymore, just not right in this kind of heat.

this is the "stop taking my picture mom!!!" look

Greyson told me as I was putting him to sleep that "Dad's not comfy" I said "what?" he said it over and then said, "Dad's face not comfy", I giggled and assured him I would have dad make his face comfy for tomorrow, he seemed relieved then rolled right over and went to sleep.  I went down stairs and told dad to shave.

~Greyson's Mom  

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