Friday, April 29, 2011

Kid Stuff

When we get home all Greyson wants to do is show us "stuff"...he says, "Watch this" or "Come watch this" and shows us how he can spin around and fall down or how he built a blanket fort that day. They he says, "See Mom?,Cool!". Not sure exactly when he started saying cool but it certainly makes us think of him as older now.

Also we have entered the, "I've got to pee!!!" phase of life as well. On our trip to visit family the Saturday before Easter we had a 1 hour long car ride, on which we had to stop 4 times on find suitable spots for him to pee. Mostly these were restaurants, I'm proud the first time he's been in a McDonalds was this trip and only to pee. He went in with Dad and when he came out his eyes were really big and he was really excited to tell me about the ball pit and slide they had, "balls mom!, big slide mom, coooool!!" Anyway back to peeing, other spots were not so great and we had to just pee "Gasp!" outside.
On our drive to the lake last, which is a longer (3 hour) drive, most of the way there isn't even a building in site much less even a dirty gas station. We had to stop on the side of the highway at least 4 times and just pee right on the side of the road as other cars when by, it was awesome!!! Everyone that passed us had a huge smile on their face, nothing like seeing the back side of a little boy, pants dropped, peeing a 4 foot stream to make you giggle.

Well I guess we need to get a port-a-potty for the car or something for those times we can't find a nice clean toilet or a patch of grass to pee on.

~Greyson's Mom

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