Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sleeping Issues and Pedaling Success.

Greyson has been struggling with getting to sleep in a reasonable amount of time. It's been going on for about a month, seemed like it started when he was sick then we went to NY and when we got back it seemed to still be the case. Some nights it was better but most were not good. We recently started giving him pep talks threw out the day, discussing more or less that he was a big boy and that big boys go to sleep quickly and quietly. Well let me tell you, it has made such a difference over the last two weeks he has not had any major night time or nap time meltdowns and is usually asleep with in 10 min of getting a story or two read to him. This is so much less stress for everyone, Everyone in the house (including the dog and cat) really hope it continues.

Greyson has been trying to pedal his tricycle on and off now for a while. When we got back from NY he when around the block with Dad and reportedly pedaled the entire time. He's always been one to try anything that moves him "fast mommy fast", so once he learned that that was what pedaling was all about he couldn't be stopped.

Still working on potty training, some days are better than others. We still haven't gotten him to the point where he is interested in telling us he has to go, but he usually cooperates if we ask him to try now though.

Looking forward to a nice weekend with "Other Mommy" at the lake house. I told Greyson that we were going to the Lake House with her and he turned to Dad and asked if he was going to the lake pond? his exact words "Dad at lake pond? Then he asked if the "lake pond" had a boat. Not sure how in two seconds he took house and turned it into pond.

Our weather has been great, it was 85 yesterday, and is expected to be in the mid 70's this weekend. The Red Buds and Bradford pears are in full bloom, the grass is starting to green up and with all that comes runny noses and itchy eyes. I don't think I know anyone my age that escapes the affects of the spring time pollen in this area.

I added a section to my blog over on the right hand side called blogs I love. There's plenty more blogs I love but this list is a list of blogs that are written by people I don't know personally AND that I love. Any of you interested in sewing make sure to check out the slip covers section of the Much to Do With Nothing blog it is very impressive so much so that I bought fabric to make one for my faded green loveseat.

~Greyson's Mom


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