Monday, August 11, 2014

Summer Camp was a Success

Greyson enjoyed his first summer camp at this school.  Some of Greyson's favorite- various science experiments (think along the lines of baking soda volcano) and making sock puppets to then preform a play for the younger kids.  He also really enjoyed his swim lessons which he had every day all summer and as you can imagine has learned to swim. Yea!!! The kids also had free swim two more times during the day.  He usually hopped in the car clean, refreshed and really tired.  Most days he would be full on in the middle of telling me about his day and then just start snoring.  Here is a movie of him swimming.

and some pictures of him playing with his dog after school.  He lines up these cones and she has to guess which one has her toy ball under it.  Very funny to watch and they both really like playing it.

Here are some shots of the lego crazy-ness that has taken over the house.  Ok I shouldn't say crazy-ness he is really quite neat in fact the lego men all get lined up by color of outfit. 


Gramp's Antique table doesn't know what to do with this much attention. 

  School starts again on Monday.  I'll be out of town but I'll post his first day picture when I return.

~Greyson's Mom

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