Monday, November 18, 2013

Fall Color and Christmas List

Weather was perfect this weekend, which was spent mostly in Bonham with out a camera unfortunately.  We finished up some projects there, mostly a much needed cleaning.  Sunday we got back to the house in time to run around and snap pictures of the fall color.  Leaves are in peak right now and this is certainly the most beautiful time of year if you ask me.  Remember I'm from a part of the county known for fall color so any I get to see even if short lived is well appreciated.   Here are some pictures of our beautiful leaves well they last.  We only see them like this for a few short days so the 80+ degree sunny weekend for viewing them was like icing on the cake.  :) 

Greyson has started his Christmas list, he wants Santa to bring two things: (in his exact words)

1. A remote control boat with a motor or maybe even a fan motor!   -I think he means an air boat
2. Snow  - Laura can I put in an order with your brother for a truck full?? LOL

~Greyson's Mom

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