Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Halloween -Jellyfish

Greyson wants to be a jellyfish for Halloween this year, he actually wanted to be a colossal squid but mom said no way.  Instead I suggested an octopus, he said no but I'd be a jellyfish!  So Jellyfish it is.   We have been making his costume a bit each weekend.  He now has the body and tentacles done and we are only left to work on his body suit part.  I'm not going to share any pictures till the big reveal.  I like that he's helping me make it and that we didn't just go and buy something - way more fun this way.  He's so proud of it tells everyone what he's going to be.

Greyson has been really enjoying his new school we went to open house where they gave us some of Greyson's school work/ artwork.  He has been practising writing letters a lot which is great.  He goes to art class once a week and they do really cute projects.  He did this one in his homeroom class -  not sure of the exact instructions given but it was something liker look threw these magazines and cut out who best represents your family members then glue them to the page.  When he showed it to us at open house the teacher made a point to tell us that he was given "A LOT" of magazines and was allowed to pick from any of them. 

Certainly one for the scrapbook, it has so many levels of awesomeness to it :

He's making friends quickly we attended Jacey's birthday party (she's a girl in his class) it was at a gymnastics place the 25 kids (yikes) had a blast jumping on the trampolines and swinging on the rope swing into the foam block pit.  I think playing with this parachute was his favorite part though. 

Mickey Mouse ears and all.

Starting to get cold at night so we brought in some sensitive plants for the winter.  Here is the banana tree and everyone that sees it in person says the same exactly thing I did when I brought it in.  Wow it didn't look that big outside!  It's touching the ceiling for goodness sake.  With it inside I'm not sure we have room for the Christmas tree later on, might have to decorate this instead :) 

Mom enjoyed a nice neighborhood casual bring a dish dinner party party Saturday night.  It was cold out but they had all the patio heaters and the fire pit going, we watched the sunset into the lake while the, get this -hired guitar singer song writer started playing.  It was so much fun and they did such a good job decorating - the table setting had pumpkins and candles and they put quilts out on the benches and on hay bails so that everyone stayed warm while siting, bad picture but you get the idea.  The music was awesome, everyone had so much fun, these people know how to throw a party, I was highly impressed! 


We are using our patio more and more now that it's cooler,  a few weekends ago we had over a few families for breakfast on the patio, cooked up eggs, bacon and pancakes on the outside griddle.  I'm not sure why but eating outside is more fun than eating inside everyone agreed completely and we have decided to try to do it again before it gets too cold.  It's also a lot less messy. 

Plan to go to Bonham this weekend Greyson and I haven't been in a while.  David's gearing up with the cow business, think within about 30 days we should have some yummy beef to sell, check out his website at www.northofprime.com it's also fun to follow on facebook he posts some nice pictures. 

~Greyson's Mom

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