Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Cape Cod MA - Trip Pictures

Here are a few of us walking around Boston Harbor.  "Yes the Harbor where the Tea was dumped Dave", was said multipule times while I was taking these.  I'm not sure what the begining of the converstation was.  Last time I was here I was 3 months pregnant. 

Here we are on our first trip to the beach, warm but very overcast.

Roland and my Dad (my brothers 1.5 year old) 

Greyson in his element....sand and water.

and lots of it!

Roland also would not look at me.

Finally one with his head pointed my way, this red bucket was awesome, need to get him one like this instead of the flimsy kind we have at home.

Bella and her fashion forward self

enjoying building a sand castle

this girl is too cute

Roland trying to escape

In comes the prop and the pictures get better instantly.

I think I told her to start swinging it.

A little water swinging to make a this kids day.

but it might have made this one a bit jealous

sleepy pants

Day two was a bit cold so we went to the play ground.

Day 3 was sunny but not real hot, great day for the beach

Here are some more snapped with the camera phone.

lots of good kite flying

seals in the water

trying to block the water flow

It was a great vacation for the family and it was great to catch back up with everyone.  The sea food was excellent, my favorite the fried scallops and always on my list the lobster bisque.  I remember not liking clam chowder from a long time ago but I tired it again this trip and it was very good.   

Greyson and my parents dropped us off at the airport on Saturday and he went to my parents house for the week alone.  All he said to us was "ok see ya" when we got out of the car and he reportedly hasn't had a problem yet and is having a blast playing with his cousins and enjoying being on the farm.  I go to get him and visit some more in a week. 

We are officially kid-less for the first time ever if you missed that everyone :)

~Greyson's Mom


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