Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day Dreaming and Real Dreaming....

Greyson asked me if I saw the Coyote last night.  I said, "where did you see a coyote?" He said it was in my dream.  This would be the first dream he's remember and told me about.  He went on to tell me it was near the trampoline and that he ran up the outside stairs and inside super fast to get away.  Then the stairs "when loose" (his exact words).  Then he said there was also an Elephant and he pet it and it pet him back with his tail.  That's all he wanted to talk about but he wasn't scared by it just really excited about the dream. 

While we were driving the other day the really big puffy clouds were an area of fascination.  He saw a rabbit riding on the back of an Elephant that was get this  "balancing on his front wheels".  I asked if he meant feet? and he said "no, not feet...WHEELS MOM, see look!" while pointing at the clouds.

~Greyson's Mom

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