Thursday, July 19, 2012

4 year check up

Greyson had to go to the doctor for his check up yesterday.  His doctor is very nice and cute and he and David never mind going in fact they're usually all smiles about it.  I took him this time but on the way he said no mom I feel good I don't need to go.  I told him he was going to get medicine put in his leg by a shot.  He asked the nurse that brought in the shots if she was going to open his leg up for the medicine.  We all got a good laugh out out of that one.  He didn't do bad and only whinnied as it was happening.

Another interesting thing happened when I was asking him the question on the list that the doctors office hands out that checks his mental and physical development.   I had to ask him to identify 4 color squares.  He answered me in Spanish, took me a moment to even know what he was saying and I had to circle yes not at all knowing if he was correct or not because I took French.     
The appointment went well, he's 38.4 pounds and 44 inches tall that's 75% and 97% respectively.  She referred us to a speech therapist to get him checked for his what she called "lazy L"  she noted that he can say it but that he just doesn't always.  She said the therapist will evaluate him and then work with him and give us some verbal exercises to do with him.  She said it shouldn't take more than a few weeks of practice to fix it's self. 

~Greyson's Mom 

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