Friday, June 15, 2012


We've been collecting some of Greyson's sayings-- here they are:

When Greyson goes to bed he says

GDY: I hope you sleep well.
and we say the same back to him.

The other morning he said to Dad leaving for work,

GDY: I hope you (he paused confused and then continued) I hope you be gone. (with a big sweet grin on his face)

So that totally stuck and now everyone in the house says "I hope you be gone" instead of good-bye.

All three of us were going to grandma's house in the car and Greyson said looking at his dad.

GDY:  "Dave, I love you."
then immediately turned his head and looked at me and said

GDY:  " Mom, I love you more."

(hint: at least try to say it under your breath next time...)

I was getting Greyson a banana and he said,

GDY: " I want one without poke-a-dots.  I don't like poke-a-dots."

It took me a few seconds to realize he meant black spots.

shed update:  The outside only needs 2 pieces of trim, a ramp and the doors and it will be completely finished.  The inside has almost all the shelves built and now they just need the plywood cut for them.  We should be loading it full of stuff by early next week. Sorry,  no picture. 

Bonham update:  David has been trying to find info / decide on how he was going to have the cows bred.  Now is the time and there's not a lot of time before we miss our window.  He's looked up AI options, he's looked into buying a bull (not our favorite option), and he's asked anyone with cows near us what they do.  The neighbor up the street offered to let us borrow his bull for a few months in trade for just feeding him during the time he's on our pasture - Yippee problem solved, so David is going up this weekend to help get the bull to our place and make sure our cows are properly courted/ introduced to him. 

~Greyson's Mom

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