Monday, March 5, 2012

Riding Buck Shot

We had a fantastic weekend up at Bonham.  The weather was just perfect, hit 75 on Sunday.  We had Grand Mom up on Saturday for lunch and Chris and Diane stayed for the whole weekend.  They helped work on the corral that David needs for the cows.  The brought their whole family with them Reese's brother Goose and their two horses.  Reese had so much fun running around and the donkeys and the horses really seemed to like each other also.

Greyson rode his wooden bike around all over and watched the guys build the corral.  He also pet the horses and then even rode one.  He asked if he could on his own.  He was all smiles the entire time and thanked the horse when he was done.  Diane walked it around on the lead since he doesn't really know how to do anything but hang on.    Here are pictures of Greyson on Buckshot:

We couldn't get close to the new calf the mom cows all are very protective as they should be.  She looks good though and no other new ones just yet. 

Greyson's real Grandmother Dale was also an animal lover (he was in part named after her "Greyson Dale").  Char sent me a picture of her on her donkey at age 4 1/2 riding all by herself.  Check it out: 

~Greyson's Mom

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